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1 purblind

Having greatly reduced vision.

synonyms: dim-sighted, near-blind, sand-blind, visually challenged, visually impaired.

Roget 443: dim-sighted etc. n.; myopic, presbyopic; astigmatic, moon-eyed, mope-eyed, blear-eyed, goggle-eyed, gooseberry-eyed, one-eyed; blind of one eye, monoculous; ... show more

Roget 481: misjudging etc. v.; ill-judging, wrong-headed; prejudiced etc. v.; jaundiced; shortsighted, purblind; partial, one-sided, superficial.    ... show more

Polish: niedowidzący, słabowidzący, półślepy

2 purblind

Lacking in insight or discernment:
— A purblind oligarchy that flatly refused to see that history was condemning it to the dustbin.

synonym: obtuse.

Polish: nieprzenikliwy

Moby thesaurus: authoritarian, bigot, bigoted, blear-eyed, bleary-eyed, blind, blindfold, blindfolded, borne, closed, constricted, cramped, creedbound, dark, deaf, deaf to reason, dim, dim-eyed, dim-sighted, dull-sighted ... show more.

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