English synonyms about - contact  



1 powdered

Consisting of fine particles:
— Powdered cellulose.

synonyms: fine-grained, powdery, pulverised, pulverized, small-grained.

Roget 440: variegated etc. v.; many-colored, many-hued; divers-colored, party-colored; dichromatic, polychromatic; bicolor, tricolor, versicolor; of all the colors of the rainbow, of all manner of colors; ... show more

Polish: drobnoziarnisty

Moby thesaurus: branny, chalklike, chalky, comminute, comminuted, crushed, detrital, detrited, disintegrated, dotted, dusted, dusty, efflorescent, farinaceous, fine, flaky, floury, furfuraceous, gone to dust, grated ... show more.

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