English synonyms about - contact  

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1 obligate

Force somebody to do something.

synonyms: compel, oblige.

Dutch: noodzaken, nopen, samendrijven

2 obligate

Commit in order to fulfill an obligation.

3 obligate

Bind by an obligation; cause to be indebted.

synonyms: bind, hold, oblige.

Dutch: een plezier doen, verplichten


1 obligate

Restricted to a particular condition of life.

Moby thesaurus: accept obligation, agree to, answer for, be answerable for, be responsible for, be security for, bind, commit, compel, constrain, contract, engage, force, go bail for, have an understanding, make imperative, make incumbent, oblige, pledge, require ... show more.

Find more on obligate elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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