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1 Machiavellian

A follower of Machiavelli's principles.

Dutch: machiavellistisch, geslepen
Polish: makiawelista


1 Machiavellian

Of or relating to Machiavelli or the principles of conduct he recommended.

Dutch: geslepen
Polish: makiaweliczny, makiawelistyczny, makiawelski

Moby thesaurus: Artful Dodger, Byzantine, Casanova, Don Juan, Machiavel, Machiavelli, Machiavellianist, Machiavellic, actor, acute, ambidextrous, arch, artful, astute, bamboozler, befuddler, beguiler, behind-the-scenes operator, cagey, calculating ... show more.

Find more on machiavellian elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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