English synonyms about - contact  



1 laughingstock

A victim of ridicule or pranks.

synonyms: butt, goat, stooge.

Roget 547: dupe, gull, gudgeon, gobemouche, cull [Slang], cully, victim, pigeon, April fool; jay [Slang], sucker [Slang]; laughingstock etc. 857; ... show more

Roget 853: ridiculousness etc. adj.; comicality, oddity etc. adj.; extravagance, drollery.    farce, comedy; burlesque etc. (ridicule) ... show more

Roget 857: laughingstock, jestingstock, gazingstock; butt, game, fair game; April fool etc. (dupe) 547.    original, oddity; queer fish, odd fish; ... show more

Dutch: pispaal, risee, wrijfpaal

Moby thesaurus: butt, byword, byword of reproach, derision, dupe, fair game, figure of fun, fool, game, gazingstock, goat, jest, jestingstock, joke, mockery, monkey, stock, target, toy, victim.

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