land surveying
Roget 466: measurement, admeasurement†, mensuration, survey, valuation, appraisement, assessment, assize; estimate, estimation; dead reckoning, reckoning etc. (numeration) 85; gauging etc. v.; horse power. metrology, weights and measures, compound arithmetic. measure, yard measure, standard, rule, foot rule, compass, calipers; gage, gauge; meter, line, rod, check; dividers; velo†. flood mark, high water mark; Plimsoll line; index etc. 550. scale; graduation, graduated scale; nonius†; vernier etc. (minuteness) 193. [instruments for measuring] bathometer, galvanometer, heliometer, interferometer, odometer, ombrometer†, pantometer†, pluviometer†, pneumatometer†, pneumometer†, radiometer, refractometer, respirometer, rheometer, spirometer†, telemeter, udometer†, vacuometer†, variometer†, viameter†, thermometer, thermistor (heat) etc. 382, barometer (air) etc. 338, anemometer (wind) 349, dynamometer, goniometer, (angle) 244 meter; landmark etc. (limit) 233; balance, scale etc. (weight) 319; marigraph†, pneumatograph†, stethograph†; rain gauge, rain gage; voltmeter (volts), ammeter (amps); spectrophotometer (light absorbance); mass spectrophotometer (molecular mass); geiger counter, scintillation counter (radioactivity); pycnometer (liquid density); graduated cylinder, volumetric flask (volume); radar gun (velocity); radar (distance); side-looking radar, (shape, topography); sonar (depth in water); light meter (light intensity); clock, watch, stopwatch, chronometer (time); anemometer (wind velocity); densitometer (color intensity). measurability, computability, determinability†. coordinates, ordinate and abscissa, polar coordinates, latitude and longitude, declination and right ascension, altitude and azimuth. geometry, stereometry†, hypsometry†; metage†; surveying, land surveying; geodesy, geodetics†, geodesia†; orthometry†, altimetry†; cadastre [Fr.]. astrolabe, armillary sphere†. land surveyor; geometer. ... show more
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