English synonyms about - contact  

grope in the dark


Roget 442: be blind etc. adj.; not see; lose sight of; have the eyes bandaged; grope in the dark.    not look; close the eyes, shut the eyes-, turn away the eyes, avert the eyes; look another way; wink ... show more

Roget 704: be difficult etc. adj.; run one hard, go against the grain, try one's patience, put one out; put to one's shifts, put to one's wit's end; go hard with one, try one; pose, perplex etc. ... show more

Moby thesaurus: be benighted, be blind, be blind to, beat about, blink at, feel around, feel for, fumble, go blind, grabble, grope, grope for, labor in darkness, not see, poke around, pry around, scrabble, walk in darkness, wear blinkers, wink at.

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