English synonyms about - contact  

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1 expatriate

A person who is voluntarily absent from home or country:
— American expatriates.

synonyms: exile, expat.

Dutch: banneling
Polish: człowiek zmieniający miejsce pobytu


1 expatriate

Expel from a country.

synonyms: deport, exile.

Roget 893: be secluded, live secluded etc. adj.; keep aloof, stand, hold oneself aloof, keep in the background, stand in the background; keep snug; shut oneself up; deny oneself, seclude oneself creep into a corner, rusticate, ... show more

2 expatriate

Move away from one's native country and adopt a new residence abroad.

Moby thesaurus: DP, Ishmael, abstract, ban, banish, blackball, cast off, cast out, castaway, chuck, clear, clear away, clear out, clear the decks, cut, cut out, declasse, deport, derelict, disfellowship ... show more.

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