English synonyms about - contact  



1 deodorize

Eliminate the odor from:
— This stick will deodorize your armpits.

synonyms: deodorise, deodourise.

Roget 399: be inodorous etc. adj.; not smell.    deodorize.   

Roget 652: be clean, render clean etc. adj.; clean, cleanse; mundify, rinse, wring, flush, full, wipe, mop, sponge, ... show more

Moby thesaurus: belie, camouflage, color, disguise, distort, dress up, embellish, embroider, falsify, freshen the air, fudge, fumigate, garble, gild, gloss, gloss over, mask, miscite, miscolor, misquote ... show more.

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