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1 Cambrian

From 544 million to about 500 million years ago; marine invertebrates.

synonym: Cambrian period.

Dutch: Cambrium
Polish: kambr

2 Cambrian

A native or resident of Wales.

synonyms: Cymry, Welsh, Welshman.

Polish: Walijczyk

Roget 188: inhabitant; resident, residentiary; dweller, indweller; addressee; occupier, occupant; householder, lodger, inmate, tenant, incumbent, sojourner, ... show more


1 Cambrian

Of or relating to or characteristic of Wales or its people or their language.

synonym: Welsh.

Polish: walijski

Roget 124: old, ancient, antique; of long standing, time-honored, venerable; elder, eldest; firstborn.    prime; primitive, primeval, primigenous; paleolontological, ... show more

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