English synonyms about - contact  



1 bookkeeper

Someone who records the transactions of a business.

Roget 553: recorder, notary, clerk; registrar, registrary, register; prothonotary [Law]; amanuensis, secretary, scribe, babu, remembrancer, bookkeeper, custos rotulorum [Lat.], ... show more

Roget 811: accounts, accompts; commercial arithmetic, monetary arithmetic; statistics etc. (numeration) 85; money matters, finance, budget, bill, score, reckoning, ... show more

Dutch: boekhouder
Polish: księgowy

Moby thesaurus: CA, CPA, abacist, accountant, accountant general, actuary, amanuensis, archivist, auditor, bank accountant, bank examiner, bursar, calculator, cashier, cashkeeper, certified public accountant, chamberlain, chartered accountant, clerk, comptroller ... show more.

Find more on bookkeeper elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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