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1 blazing

A strong flame that burns brightly.

synonym: blaze.


1 blazing

Shining intensely:
— The blazing sun.

synonyms: blinding, dazzling, fulgent, glaring, glary.

Roget 382: hot, warm, mild, genial, tepid, lukewarm, unfrozen; thermal, thermic; calorific; fervent, fervid; ardent; ... show more

Roget 420: shining etc. v.; luminous, luminiferous; lucid, lucent, luculent, lucific, luciferous; light, lightsome; bright, ... show more

2 blazing

Without any attempt at concealment; completely obvious:
— A blazing indiscretion.

synonyms: blatant, conspicuous.

Moby thesaurus: ablaze, afire, aflame, aflicker, aglow, alight, ardent, blistering, branding, burning, calcination, candent, candescent, carbonization, cauterization, cautery, cineration, comburent, combustion, concremation ... show more.

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