- bellicose as an adjective:
- 1
1 bellicose
Having or showing a ready disposition to fight:
— Bellicose young officers.
synonyms: battleful, combative.
Roget 720: contending etc. v.; together by the ears, at loggerheads. at war. at issue. competitive, rival; belligerent; contentious, combative, bellicose, unpeaceful†; ... show more
Roget 722: contending, contentious etc. 720; armed, armed to the teeth, armed cap-a-pie; sword in hand; in arms, under arms, up in arms; at war with; bristling with arms; in battle array, ... show more
Polish: wojowniczy
Moby thesaurus: aggressive, antagonistic, assertive, battling, belligerent, bickering, bloodthirsty, bloody, bloody-minded, chauvinist, chauvinistic, combative, contentious, disputatious, divisive, enemy, eristic, factional, factious, ferocious ... show more.
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