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1 berry

Any of numerous small and pulpy edible fruits; used as desserts or in making jams and jellies and preserves.

2 berry

A small fruit having any of various structures, e.g., simple (grape or blueberry) or aggregate (blackberry or raspberry).

Dutch: bes
Polish: jagoda

3 Berry

United States rock singer (born in 1931).

synonyms: Charles Edward Berry, Chuck Berry.


1 berry

Pick or gather berries.

Moby thesaurus: Catawba, Persian melon, Valencia orange, acorn, akee, alligator pear, ananas, apple, apricot, avocado, banana, bearberry, bilberry, bird seed, blackberry, cacao, candleberry, canistel, cantaloupe, capulin ... show more.

Find more on Berry elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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