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1 treadmill

An exercise device consisting of an endless belt on which a person can walk or jog without changing place.

Roget 975: scourge, rod, cane, stick; ratan, rattan; birch, birch rod; azote, blacksnake, bullwhack [U.S.], chicote, kurbash, quirt, ... show more

Polish: bieżnia

2 treadmill

A mill that is powered by men or animals walking on a circular belt or climbing steps.

synonyms: tread-wheel, treadwheel.

Dutch: tredmolen

3 treadmill

A job involving drudgery and confinement.

synonym: salt mine.

Polish: kierat

Moby thesaurus: beat, beaten path, branks, broken record, bureaucracy, bureaucratism, chinoiserie, clockwork regularity, constancy, crank, cucking stool, daily grind, daily round, dingdong, dirty work, donkeywork, drone, drudgery, ducking stool, employment ... show more.

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