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1 theory

A well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world; an organized system of accepted knowledge that applies in a variety of circumstances to explain a specific set of phenomena.

Roget 155: attribution, theory, etiology, ascription, reference to, rationale; accounting for etc. v.; palaetiology1, imputation, derivation from.    filiation, affiliation; ... show more

Roget 453: idea, notion, conception, thought, apprehension, impression, perception, image, eidolon [Gr.], sentiment, reflection, observation, consideration; abstract idea; ... show more

Roget 490: knowledge; cognizance, cognition, cognoscence; acquaintance, experience, ken [Scot.], privity, insight, familiarity; comprehension, apprehension; recognition; appreciation ... show more

Dutch: evangelie, leer, leerstelsel, theorie
Polish: teoria

2 theory

A tentative insight into the natural world; a concept that is not yet verified but that if true would explain certain facts or phenomena:
— A scientific hypothesis that survives experimental testing becomes a scientific theory.
— He proposed a fresh theory of alkalis that later was accepted in chemical practices.

synonyms: hypothesis, possibility.

Roget 514: supposition, assumption, assumed position, postulation, condition, presupposition, hypothesis, blue sky hypothesis, postulate, postulatum [Lat.], theory; thesis, theorem; ... show more

Dutch: stelling, onderstelling, hypothese

3 theory

A belief that can guide behavior.

Dutch: theorie

Moby thesaurus: apprehension, assumption, attitude, base, basis, body of theory, climate of opinion, common belief, community sentiment, conceit, concept, conception, conclusion, conjecture, consensus gentium, consideration, estimate, estimation, ethos, explanation ... show more.

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