English synonyms about - contact  

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1 statute

An act passed by a legislative body.

synonym: legislative act.

Roget 697: precept, direction, instruction, charge; prescript, prescription; recipe, receipt; golden rule; maxim etc. 496.    rule, canon, ... show more

Roget 963: legality; legitimacy, legitimateness.    legislature; law, code, corpus juris [Lat.], constitution, pandect, charter, enactment, statute, rule; canon ... show more

Dutch: statuten, statuut
Polish: akt ustawodawczy


1 statute

Enacted by a legislative body:
— Statute law.

synonym: codified.

Moby thesaurus: Eighteenth Amendment, Prohibition Party, Volstead Act, act, assize, ban, bill, bylaw, canon, contraband, decree, decretum, denial, dictate, dictation, disallowance, edict, embargo, enactment, exclusion ... show more.

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