English synonyms about - contact  

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1 licit

Sanctioned by custom or morality especially sexual morality.

2 licit

Authorized, sanctioned by, or in accordance with law.

synonyms: lawful, legitimate.

Roget 760: permitting etc. v.; permissive, indulgent; permitted etc. v.; patent, chartered, permissible, allowable, lawful, ... show more

Roget 924: having a right to etc. v.; entitled to; claiming; deserving, meriting, worthy of.    privileged, allowed, sanctioned, warranted, authorized; ordained, ... show more

Polish: prawowity, pełnoprawny

Moby thesaurus: actionable, admissible, allowable, applicable, approved, authorized, competent, constitutional, innocent, judicial, juridical, just, justiciable, justifiable, kosher, lawful, lawmaking, legal, legislative, legit ... show more.

Find more on licit elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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