English synonyms about - contact  

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1 delineate

Show the form or outline of.

synonym: define.

2 delineate

Determine the essential quality of.

synonyms: define, delimit, delimitate, specify.

3 delineate

Trace the shape of.

synonyms: limn, outline.

4 delineate

Make a mark or lines on a surface.

synonyms: describe, draw, line, trace.

Roget 554: represent, delineate; depict, depicture; portray; take a likeness, catch a likeness etc. n.; hit off, photograph, daguerreotype; snapshot; ... show more

Dutch: tekenen

5 delineate

Describe in vivid detail.

Dutch: schilderen, uiteenzetten


1 delineate

Represented accurately or precisely.

synonyms: delineated, represented.

Moby thesaurus: block in, block out, brief, bring to life, cartoon, catch a likeness, chalk, chalk out, character, characterize, charcoal, chart, color, contour, copy, crayon, crosshatch, dash off, daub, define ... show more.

Find more on delineate elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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