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1 besiege

Surround so as to force to give up:
— The Turks besieged Vienna.

synonyms: beleaguer, circumvent, hem in, surround.

Roget 765: request, ask; beg, crave, sue, pray, petition, solicit, invite, pop the question, make bold to ask; beg leave, beg a boon; ... show more

Roget 716: attack, assault, assail; invade; set upon, fall upon; charge, impugn, break a lance with, enter the lists.    assume the offensive, take the offensive; be the aggressor, become the aggressor; ... show more

Dutch: belagen, belegeren

2 besiege

Cause to feel distressed or worried.

3 besiege

Harass, as with questions or requests.

Moby thesaurus: apply pressure, assail, assault, attack, beleaguer, beset, blandish, block, block off, block up, blockade, bound, box in, bug, buttonhole, cage, cajole, chamber, close in, coax ... show more.

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