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1 articulation

The aspect of pronunciation that involves bringing articulatory organs together so as to shape the sounds of speech.

Polish: akcent, dykcja, wymowa, artykulacja

2 articulation

The shape or manner in which things come together and a connection is made.

synonyms: join, joint, junction, juncture.

Roget 43: junction; joining etc. v.; joinder [Law], union connection, conjunction, conjugation; annexion, annexation, annexment; astriction, attachment, compagination, ... show more

Dutch: aanhechtingspunt

3 articulation

Expressing in coherent verbal form:
— The articulation of my feelings.

synonym: voice.

Roget 580: voice; vocality; organ, lungs, bellows; good voice, fine voice, powerful voice etc. (loud) 404; musical voice etc. 413; ... show more

4 articulation

anatomy The point of connection between two bones or elements of a skeleton (especially if it allows motion).

synonyms: articulatio, joint.

Dutch: geleding, gewricht, lid
Polish: staw

5 articulation

The act of joining things in such a way that motion is possible.

Moby thesaurus: Indian file, agglomeration, agglutination, aggregation, allophone, alveolar, ankle, antonym, apico-alveolar, apico-dental, array, aspiration, assimilation, attack, bank, bilabial, bond, boundary, bracketing, butt ... show more.

Find more on articulation elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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