English synonyms about - contact  


Roget category 654

5. Words relating to the voluntary powers
5.2. Prospective volition
›› 5.2.2. Subservience to ends

#654. Health


health, sanitysoundness etc. adj. — vigorgood health, perfect health, excellent health, rude health, robust healthbloom.
mens sana in corpore sano [Lat.]Hygeiaincorruption, incorruptibilitygood state of health, clean bill of healtheupepsiaeuphoria, euphorySt.
Anthony's fire.


be in health etc. adj.. bloom, flourish.
keep body and soul together, keep on one's legsenjoy good health, enjoy a good state of healthhave a clean bill of health.
return to healthrecover etc. 660get better etc. (improve) 658take a new lease of life, fresh lease of liferecruitrestore to healthcure etc. (restore) 660tinker.


healthy, healthfulin health etc. n. — well, sound, hearty, hale, fresh, green, wholeflorid, flush, hardy, stanch, staunch, brave, robust, vigorous, weatherproof.
unscathed, uninjured, unmaimed, unmarred, untaintedsound of wind and limb, safe and sound.
on one's legssound as a roach, sound as a bellfresh as a daisy, fresh as a rose, fresh as Aprilhearty as a buckin fine feather, in high featherin good case, in full bloompretty bobbish, tolerably well, as well as can be expected.
sanitary etc. (health-giving) 656sanatory etc. (remedial) 662.


health that snuffs the morning air" [Grainger]; non est vivere sed valere vita [Lat.] [Martial].

The content on this page comes straight from Project Gutenberg Etext of Roget's Thesaurus No. Two, which consists of the acclaimed work by Peter Mark Roget augmented with more recent material. Some changes were made to the formatting for improved readability.

Bold numbers signify related Roget categories. A dagger symbol (†) indicates archaic words and expressions no longer in common use.

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