English synonyms about - contact  

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1 windward

The direction from which the wind is coming.

2 windward

The side of something that is toward the wind.


1 windward

On the side exposed to the wind.

Polish: nawietrzny


1 windward

Toward the wind:
— They were sailing windward.

synonym: downwind.

Moby thesaurus: alee, anticlockwise, aweather, clockwise, counterclockwise, downwind, earthward, flanking, glancing, heavenward, homeward, landward, lateral, lee, leeward, leftward, next-beside, rightward, seaward, side ... show more.

Find more on windward elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.



Roget 278: towards; on the road, on the high road to; en avant; versus, to; hither, thither, whither; directly; straight as an arrow, forwards as an arrow; point blank; ... show more

Find more on windwards elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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