English synonyms about - contact  



Roget 106: while, whilst, during, pending; during the time, during the interval; in the course of, at that point, at that point in time; for the time being, day by day; in the time of, when; ... show more

Roget 121: prospectively, hereafter, in future; kal, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow; in course of time, in process of time, in the fullness of time; eventually, ultimately, sooner or later; proximo [Lat.]; ... show more

Moby thesaurus: after which, at what time, at which, at which time, hereinafter, in what period, in which time, on, on what occasion, on which occasion, upon, upon which, what time, when, when as, whenever, whereat, wherefore, whereon, whereto ... show more.

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