1 sprinkler
Mechanical device that attaches to a garden hose for watering lawn or garden.
Dutch: sproeier, sprinkler
Polish: zraszacz
Moby thesaurus: Agnus Dei, Foamite, Holy Grail, Host, Pieta, Sanctus bell, Sangraal, acid, aerosol, ark, asperger, asperges, aspergil, aspergillum, atomizer, automatic sprinkler, bambino, beadroll, beads, candle, carbon tet, carbon tetrachloride, carbon-dioxide foam, censer, chaplet, ciborium, clyster, concentrate sprayer, cross, crucifix, cruet, deck gun, deluge set, douche, enema, eucharistial, extinguisher, fire apparatus, fire engine, fire hose, fire hydrant, fireplug, foam, foam extinguisher, fountain syringe, holy cross, holy water, holy-water sprinkler, hook-and-ladder, icon, incensory, ladder pipe, matzo, menorah, mezuzah, mikvah, mist concentrate sprayer, monstrance, needle bath, nozzle, osculatory, ostensorium, paschal candle, pax, phylacteries, prayer shawl, prayer wheel, pumper, pyx, relics, rood, rosary, sacramental, sacred relics, sacring bell, shofar, shower, shower bath, shower head, snorkel, soda, sparge, sparger, spray, spray can, sprayer, sprinkler head, sprinkler system, sprinkling system, sukkah, super-pumper, syringe, tabernacle, tallith, thurible, urceole, veronica, vigil light, votive candle, water, water cannon, watercart, watering can, watering pot, wet blanket ... show more.
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