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silver plate


1 silver plate

Tableware that is plated with silver.

Roget 223: covering, cover; baldachin, baldachino, baldaquin; canopy, tilt, awning, tent, marquee, tente d'abri [Fr.], umbrella, parasol, sunshade; ... show more

2 silver plate

A thin layer of silver deposited on something.

Polish: posrebrzenie

Moby thesaurus: anodized aluminum, chromium plate, copperplate, cutlery, dining utensils, electrocoating, electroplating, flat silver, flatware, forks, gold plate, hollow ware, knives, nickel plate, plate, plating, silver, silverware, spoons, stainless-steel ware ... show more.

Find more on silver plate elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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