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ScriptureBibleBookChristian BibleGood BookHoly ScriptureHoly WritWordWord of Godreligious textreligious writingsacred textsacred writingfamily BibleVulgateDouay-Rheims BibleDouay-Rheims VersionDouay BibleDouay VersionRheims-Douay BibleRheims-Douay VersionAuthorized VersionKing James BibleKing James VersionRevised VersionNew English BibleAmerican Revised VersionAmerican Standard VersionRevised Standard VersionOld TestamentTestamentNew Testamenttext

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1 Scripture

The sacred writings of the Christian religions.

synonyms: Bible, Book, Christian Bible, Good Book, Holy Scripture, Holy Writ, Word, Word of God.

Dutch: Bijbel, Schrift, bijbel, testament
Polish: Pismo Święte, Pismo święte, Biblia

2 scripture

Any writing that is regarded as sacred by a religious group.

synonym: sacred scripture.

Roget 474: certainty; necessity etc. 601; certitude, surety, assurance; dead certainty, moral certainty; infallibleness etc. adj.; infallibility, reliability; ... show more

Polish: święta księga

Roget 985: revelation, inspiration, afflatus; theophany, theopneusty.    Word, Word of God; Scripture; the Scriptures, the Bible; Holy Writ, Holy Scriptures; inspired writings, Gospel.    ... show more

Moby thesaurus: Bhagavad-Gita, Bible, Book of Mormon, Douay Bible, Holy Scripture, Holy Writ, King James Version, Koran, Revised Standard Version, Revised Version, Septuagint, Testament, Vulgate, canon, sacred writings, the Book, the Good Book, the Scriptures, the Word.

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