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1 sane

Mentally healthy; free from mental disorder.

Polish: poczytalny, normalny

2 sane

Marked by sound judgment:
— Sane nuclear policy.

synonym: reasonable.

Roget 502: sane, rational, reasonable, compos mentis, of sound mind; sound, sound-minded; lucid.    self-possessed; sober, sober-minded.    in one's sober senses, in one's right mind; ... show more

Polish: rozsÄ…dkowy

Moby thesaurus: admissible, all there, balanced, bright, bunkum, clearheaded, clearminded, cogent, commonsense, compelling, compos mentis, conceptive, conceptual, convincing, cool, coolheaded, credible, discursive, down-to-earth, earthy ... show more.

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