English synonyms about - contact  



1 patronizing

used of behavior or attitude Characteristic of those who treat others with condescension.

synonyms: arch, condescending, patronising.

Roget 929: disrespectful; aweless, irreverent; disparaging etc. 934; insulting etc. v.; supercilious, contemptuous, patronizing etc. (scornful) ... show more

Polish: protekcjonalny

Moby thesaurus: Olympian detachment, Olympian loftiness, arrogance, arrogant, arrogantness, assumption of superiority, big, condescendence, condescending, condescension, domineering, domineeringness, haughtiness, haughty, haughty airs, hauteur, high horse, high-faluting, high-flown, high-hat ... show more.

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