English synonyms about - contact  



1 obstructive

Preventing movement.

synonyms: clogging, hindering, impeding.

Roget 706: hindering etc. v.; obstructive, obstruent; impeditive, impedient; intercipient; prophylactic etc. (remedial) 662; impedimentary.    in the way of, ... show more


Roget 710: opponent, antagonist, adversary; adverse party, opposition; enemy etc. 891; the other side; assailant.    oppositionist, obstructive; brawler, wrangler, ... show more

Moby thesaurus: choking, complaining, constrictive, contrary, counterproductive, crosswise, disputatious, disputing, dissentient, dissenting, fractious, hindering, hindersome, in the way, inhibiting, inhibitive, interrupting, interruptive, noncooperative, objecting ... show more.

Find more on obstructive elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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