English synonyms about - contact  



1 neuralgia

Acute spasmodic pain along the course of one or more nerves.

synonym: neuralgy.

Roget 378: pain; suffering, sufferance, suffrance; bodily pain, physical pain, bodily suffering, physical suffering, body pain; mental suffering etc. 828; dolour, ache; ... show more

Polish: nerwoból, neuralgia, newralgia

Moby thesaurus: MS, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, brain disease, cephalalgia, cerebral palsy, chorea, emotional disorder, epilepsy, falling sickness, glossopharyngeal neuralgia, headache, herpes zoster, ischialgia, migraine, multiple sclerosis, nervous disorder, neuritis, neuropathy, organic psychosis, palsy ... show more.

Find more on neuralgia elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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