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1 navel

A scar where the umbilical cord was attached:
— You were not supposed to show your navel on television.
— They argued whether or not Adam had a navel.

synonyms: belly button, bellybutton, omphalos, omphalus, umbilicus.

Roget 222: centrality, centricalness, center; middle etc. 68; focus etc. 74.    core, kernel; nucleus, nucleolus; ... show more

Roget 68: middle, midst, mediety, mean etc. 29; medium, middle term; center etc. 222, mid-course etc. 628; ... show more

Dutch: navel
Polish: pępek

2 navel

The center point or middle of something:
— The Incas believed that Cuzco was the navel of the universe.

synonym: navel point.

Moby thesaurus: axis, center, center of action, center of gravity, centroid, centrum, core, dead center, epicenter, heart, hub, kernel, marrow, medulla, metacenter, middle, nave, nub, nucleus, omphalos ... show more.

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