lob as a noun: - 1
- 2
as a verb: - 1
1 lob
An easy return of a tennis ball in a high arc.
2 lob
The act of propelling something (as a ball or shell etc.) in a high arc.
1 lob
Propel in a high arc.
Dutch: lobben, overgooien
Moby thesaurus: boost, bowl, buoy up, cast, cast up, catapult, chuck, chunk, dart, dash, elevate, erect, escalate, fire, fling, flip, fork, heave, heft, heighten, heist, hike, hoick, hoist, hold up, hurl, hurtle, jerk, jerk up, knock up, lance, launch, let fly, levitate, lift, lift up, loft, pass, peg, pelt, perk up, pitch, pitchfork, put, put the shot, raise, raise up, rear, rear up, rise, serve, set up, shy, sky, sling, snap, stick up, throw, throw up, tilt, toss, up, upbuoy, upcast, upheave, uphoist, uphold, uplift, upraise, uprear, upthrow ... show more.
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