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1 forethought

Planning or plotting in advance of acting.

synonym: premeditation.

Roget 510: foresight, prospicience, prevision, long-sightedness; anticipation; providence etc. (preparation) 673.    forethought, forecast; predeliberation, presurmise; foregone conclusion ... show more

2 forethought

Judiciousness in avoiding harm or danger.

synonyms: care, caution, precaution.

Roget 459: care, solicitude, heed; heedfulness etc. adj.; scruple etc. (conscientiousness) 939.    watchfulness etc. adj.; ... show more

Dutch: voorzichtigheid

Moby thesaurus: TLC, aforethought, anticipation, approach, arrangement, attack, attention, blueprint, blueprinting, calculatedness, calculation, canniness, care, carefulness, caution, charting, circumspection, circumspectness, conception, concern ... show more.

Find more on forethought elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.


Moby thesaurus: acute, anticipant, anticipatory, apperceptive, appercipient, argute, astute, clairvoyant, cogent, discerning, divinatory, farseeing, farsighted, forehanded, foreknowing, foreseeing, foresighted, forethoughtful, incisive, intuitive ... show more.

Find more on forethoughted elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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