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1 flex

The act of flexing.

Dutch: buigbaarheid, plooibaarheid, buigen, flexibiliteit
Polish: prężenie się, wyprężanie się


1 flex


Roget 325: stretch, flex, extend, distend, be elastic etc. adj.; bounce, spring back etc. (recoil) 277.   

2 flex

Exhibit the strength of.

3 flex

Form a curve.

synonym: bend.

Dutch: krombuigen, ombuigen

4 flex

Bend a joint:
— Flex your wrists.

synonym: bend.

Dutch: samentrekken

5 flex

Cause (a plastic object) to assume a crooked or angular form.

synonyms: bend, deform, turn, twist.

Roget 245: be curved, etc. adj.; curve, sweep, sway, swag, sag; deviate etc. 279; curl, turn; reenter.    ... show more

Dutch: buigen, doorbuigen, krommen

Moby thesaurus: S-curve, arch, bend, bend back, bending, bow, bowing, cable, conflexure, contract, cord, crook, curl, curve, decurve, deflect, deflection, dome, embow, exercise ... show more.

Find more on flex elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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