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1 extemporize

Manage in a makeshift way; do with whatever is at hand.

synonym: improvise.

Roget 612: flash on the mind.    say what comes uppermost; improvise, extemporize.   

Roget 674: be unprepared etc. adj.; want preparation, lack preparation; lie fallow; s'embarquer sans biscuits [Fr.]; live from hand to mouth.    [Render unprepared] dismantle etc. (render useless) 645; undress ... show more

2 extemporize

Perform without preparation:
— He extemporized a speech at the wedding.

synonyms: ad-lib, extemporise, improvise, improvize.

Dutch: improviseren

Moby thesaurus: ad-lib, be caught napping, be surprised, be taken unawares, be unprepared, cook up, dash off, do offhand, fake, go off half-cocked, have no plan, improvisate, improvise, jury-rig, knock off, lash up, make up, play by ear, scrap the plan, strike off ... show more.

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