English synonyms about - contact  

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1 comrade

A friend who is frequently in the company of another:
— Comrades in arms.

synonyms: associate, companion, familiar, fellow.

Roget 890: friend, friend of one's bosom; alter ego; best friend, bosom friend, soulmate, fast friend; amicus [Lat.]; usque ad aras [Lat.]; fidus Achates [Lat.]; persona grata.    acquaintance, neighbor, next-door neighbor, ... show more

Dutch: gezelschapsdame, kameraad
Polish: kompanion, kompan

2 Comrade

A fellow member of the Communist Party.

Polish: towarzysz

3 comrade

Used as a term of address for those male persons engaged in the same movement:
— Greetings, comrade!.

synonym: brother.

Dutch: strijdmakker
Polish: towarzysz

Moby thesaurus: Bolshevik, Bolshie, Greek, Red, ace, adjunct, affiliate, ally, amigo, associate, auxiliary, bedfellow, bedmate, belonger, bosom buddy, brother, brother-in-arms, buddy, bunkie, bunkmate ... show more.

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