1 coagulate
Change from a liquid to a thickened or solid state:
— Coagulated blood.
synonym: clot.
Roget 321: be dense etc. adj.; become solid, render solid etc. adj.; solidify, solidate†; concrete, set, take a set, consolidate, ... show more
Dutch: stollen, verdikken
2 coagulate
Cause to change from a liquid to a solid or thickened state.
synonym: clot.
Dutch: coaguleren, stollen
1 coagulate
Transformed from a liquid into a soft semisolid or solid mass:
— Coagulated blood.
synonyms: coagulated, curdled, grumose, grumous.
Moby thesaurus: Devonshire cream, adhere, agglomerate, beat up, blood clot, bonnyclabber, bunch, cake, casein, churn, clabber, clasp, cleave, clinch, cling, cling to, clot, clotted cream, clump, cluster ... show more.
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