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bit by bit


1 bit by bit

A little bit at a time.

synonyms: in stages, little by little, piecemeal.

Roget 79: specially, especially, particularly etc. adj.; in particular, in propria persona [Lat.]; ad hominem [Lat.]; for my part.    each, apiece, one by one, one at a time; severally, ... show more

Roget 51: partly, in part, partially; piecemeal, part by part; by by installments, by snatches, by inches, by driblets; bit by bit, inch by inch, foot by foot, drop by drop; in detail, ... show more

2 bit by bit

In a gradual manner.

synonyms: gradually, step by step.

Roget 26: by degrees, gradually, inasmuch, pro tanto [It]; however, howsoever; step by step, bit by bit, little by little, inch by inch, drop by drop; a little at a time, by inches, by slow degrees, ... show more

Roget 275: slowly etc. adj.; leisurely; piano, adagio; largo, larghetto; at half speed, under easy sail; at a foots pace, at a snail's pace, at a funeral pace; in slow time, ... show more

Moby thesaurus: by degrees, by inches, by inchmeal, by slow degrees, by snatches, degreewise, drop by drop, foot by foot, gradatim, grade by grade, gradually, in detail, in driblets, in installments, in lots, in small doses, in snatches, inch by inch, inchmeal, little by little ... show more.

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