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1 basset

Smooth-haired breed of hound with short legs and long ears.

synonym: basset hound.

Dutch: brak
Polish: basset


1 basset

Appear at the surface:
— A seam of coal bassets.

synonym: crop out.

Roget 446: be become visible etc. adj.; appear, open to the view; meet the eye, catch the eye; basset; present itself, show manifest itself, produce itself, discover itself, reveal itself, expose itself, ... show more

Find more on basset elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.



Roget 446: visibility, perceptibility; conspicuousness, distinctness etc. adj.; conspicuity, conspicuousness; appearance etc. 448; bassetting; exposure; manifestation ... show more

Find more on bassetting elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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