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1 liege

A person holding a fief; a person who owes allegiance and service to a feudal lord.

synonyms: feudatory, liege subject, liegeman, vassal.

Dutch: soeverein, leenheer, slaafs, vazal
Polish: wasal

2 liege

A feudal lord entitled to allegiance and service.

synonym: liege lord.

Roget 745: master, padrone; lord, lord paramount; commander, commandant; captain; chief, chieftain; sirdar, sachem, sheik, head, senior, ... show more

Polish: hoĊ‚downik, lennik, wasal

3 Liege

City in eastern Belgium; largest French-speaking city in Belgium.

synonym: Luik.


1 liege

Owing or owed feudal allegiance and service.

Moby thesaurus: ardent, bondmaid, bondman, bondslave, bondsman, bondswoman, boss, bwana, captive, chattel, chattel slave, chef, chief, church dignitary, churl, client, concubine, constant, creature, debt slave ... show more.

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