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1 conservative

A person who is reluctant to accept changes and new ideas.

synonym: conservativist.

Dutch: conservatief, conservatieveling, liberaal, rechts
Polish: tradycjonalista, konserwatysta

2 Conservative

A member of a Conservative Party.


1 conservative

Resistant to change, particularly in relation to politics or religion.

Roget 141: stable etc. 150; persisting etc. v.; permanent; established; unchanged etc. (change) etc. 140; renewed; ... show more

Roget 670: preserving etc. v.; conservative; prophylactic; preservatory, preservative; hygienic.    preserved etc. v.; unimpaired, unbroken, uninjured, ... show more

2 conservative

Having social or political views favoring conservatism.

Polish: konserwatywny, prawicowy, prawy

3 conservative

Avoiding excess:
— A conservative estimate.

synonym: cautious.

4 conservative

Unimaginatively conventional.

synonyms: button-down, buttoned-down.

5 conservative

Conforming to the standards and conventions of the middle class.

synonyms: bourgeois, materialistic.

Moby thesaurus: Bircher, Bourbon, Epistle side, Methuselah, Tory, antediluvian, antique, back number, backward, bitter-ender, careful, cautious, centrist, chary, circumspect, clockwise, compromiser, conformist, conservational, conservationist ... show more.

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