English synonyms about - contact  

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1 underscore

A line drawn underneath (especially under written matter).

synonym: underline.

Dutch: onderlijnen
Polish: podkreślenie


1 underscore

Give extra weight to (a communication).

synonyms: emphasise, emphasize, underline.

Roget 550: indicate; be the sign etc. n.. of; denote, betoken; argue, testify etc. (evidence) 467; bear the impress etc. ... show more

Dutch: benadrukken, accentueren, beklemtonen, betonen, onderstrepen

2 underscore

Draw a line or lines underneath to call attention to.

synonym: underline.

Moby thesaurus: accent, accentuate, band, bar, belabor, blaze, blaze a trail, blemish, blotch, brand, chalk, chalk up, check, check off, cicatrize, cross-hatching, dapple, dash, define, delimit ... show more.

Find more on underscore elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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