English synonyms about - contact  

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account for


1 account for

Be the reason or explanation for.

Roget 522: interpret, explain, define, construe, translate, render; do into, turn into; transfuse the sense of.    find out etc. 480.1 the meaning of, etc. ... show more

Roget 155: attribute to, ascribe to, impute to, refer to, lay to, point to, trace to, bring home to; put down to, set down to, blame; charge on, ground on; ... show more

Dutch: meetellen voor, tellen voor

2 account for

Give reasons for.

Moby thesaurus: accredit with, accrete to, acknowledge, allegorize, apply to, ascribe to, assign to, attach to, attribute to, blame, blame for, blame on, bring home to, charge on, charge to, clarify, clear, clear up, confess, connect with ... show more.

Find more on account for elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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