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1 woody

Made of or containing or resembling wood.

Polish: drzewny

2 woody

Abounding in trees:
— A woody area near the highway.

synonyms: arboraceous, arboreous, woodsy.

Roget 367: vegetable, vegetal, vegetive, vegitous; herbaceous, herbal; botanic; sylvan, silvan; arborary, arboreous, arborescent, arborical; woody, ... show more

3 woody

Made hard like wood as the result of the deposition of lignin in the cell walls.

Moby thesaurus: afforestational, arboreous, bosky, braky, bushy, copsy, dendrologic, forest, forestal, forested, reforestational, scrubby, shrubby, silvicultural, sylvan, timbered, wooded, woodland, woodsy.

Find more on woody elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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