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1 visual

Relating to or using sight:
— Visual powers.
— Visual navigation.

synonyms: ocular, optic, optical.

Roget 441: seeing etc. v.; visual, ocular; optic, optical; ophthalmic.    clear-eyesighted etc. n.; eagle-eyed, hawk-eyed, lynx-eyed, ... show more

Polish: wzrokowy

2 visual

— A visual presentation.
— A visual image.

synonym: ocular.

Moby thesaurus: apparent, beholdable, detectable, discernible, disclosed, evident, exposed, exposed to view, eyeball, hanging out, in evidence, in full view, in plain sight, in view, insight, manifest, naked, noticeable, observable, ocular ... show more.

Find more on visual elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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