English synonyms about - contact  



1 unforeseen

Not anticipated:
— Unforeseen circumstances.

synonyms: out of the blue, unanticipated, unlooked-for, unseen.

Roget 508: nonexpectant; surprised etc. v.; unwarned, unaware; off one's guard; inattentive 458.    unexpected, unanticipated, unpredicted, unlooked for, unforeseen, ... show more

Roget 621: fortuitous etc. 156; unintentional, unintended; accidental; not meant; undesigned, purposed; unpremeditated etc. 612; unforeseen, uncontemplated, ... show more

Moby thesaurus: abrupt, accidental, adventitious, aleatory, casual, causeless, chance, chancy, contingent, destinal, dicey, electrifying, extraordinary, fatal, fatidic, fluky, fortuitous, hasty, headlong, iffy ... show more.

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