English synonyms about - contact  

the plot thickens


Roget 72: the plot thickens; acervatim [Lat.]; tibi seris tibi metis [Lat.].   

Roget 151: that's the way the ball bounces, that's the way the cookie crumbles; you never know what may turn up, you never know what the future will bring; the plot thickens; breasts the blows of circumstance" [Tennyson]; so runs round of life from hour to hour" [Keble]; sprinkled along the waste of years" [Tennyson].

Roget 682: carpe diem [Lat.], seize the day; etc. (opportunity) 134 nulla dies sine linea [Lat.] [Pliny]; nec mora nec requies [Lat.] [Vergil]; the plot thickens; No sooner said than done etc. (early) 132; ... show more

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