English synonyms about - contact  
simultaneouslyat the same timeco-occurrentcoincidentcoincidentalcoincidingconcurrentcooccurringsimultaneous



1 simultaneously

At the same instant:
— They spoke simultaneously.

synonym: at the same time.

Roget 120: at the same time; simultaneously etc. adj.; together, in concert, during the same time; in the same breath; pari passu [Lat.]; in the interim; as one.    at the very moment etc. 113; ... show more

Moby thesaurus: all at once, all together, as one, as one man, at a blow, at a clip, at a stroke, at once, at one blow, at one jump, at one stroke, at one swoop, at one time, at that time, coincidentally, coinstantaneously, concurrently, contemporaneously, forthwith, in a chorus ... show more.

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