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1 silencer

Short tube attached to the muzzle of a gun that deadens the sound of firing.

Roget 408a: thud, thump, dead sound; nonresonance; muffled drums, cracked bell; damper; silencer.   

Polish: tłumik

2 silencer

A tubular acoustic device inserted in the exhaust system that is designed to reduce noise.

synonym: muffler.

Dutch: knalpot, demper, geluiddemper

Moby thesaurus: acoustic tile, antiknock, baffler, cushion, damp, dampener, damper, gag, hushcloth, muffle, muffler, mute, muzzle, quietener, silence cloth, soft pedal, sordine, sordino, sound-absorbing material, soundproofing ... show more.

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